Wednesday 19 August 2020

Building an Online Business Can Be Done Fast!

 10 BEST BOOKS on Transcendental Meditation: full reviews

Like any other business, building an online business can be either done fast or slow! Now that sounds a bit simplistic, but it is true! I was listening to an interview with Jack Welch recently and he was making this precise point. He said that once you have enough information to make a decision, then do it fast - act quickly. Notice that he said "enough" not all! If we wait to have all the information we will end up with paralysis by analysis. His mantra is - act quickly, don't ponder! While he was not talking about building an online business, the principle is exactly the same transcendental meditation mantras meaning.

One of the risks to achieving a successful online business is precisely this slowness to act - not out of laziness, but there are just so many things to do - web sites, domains, blogs, article marketing, social media and the list goes on and on. Trying to do all this on your own, and typically, it is on your own, really slows down the process of launching and getting out into the market.

So, what is the answer? Quite simply, find others who can do some of the work for you! OK, I hear you scream - I don't have the money to hire people to do all this. Well, I am not talking about hiring staff, opening an office and all of that. I am talking about outsourcing, and specifically outsourcing to the Philippines. There are thousands of people over there who speak English and would be delighted to work for you for about $300 per month - yes, you saw that right, it is per month! They are highly skilled and speak English and are waiting for the opportunity to get work from you.

So, what do you outsource? Everything you can!! A lot of people only think about outsourcing the parts they do not know how to do themselves. I disagree. The reason to outsource is to reclaim your life, and to allow you to focus on the things that will drive the business forward. My online business will only thrive if I spend my time on coming up with online business ideas - spending my time fixing plug-ins or building links is not the best use of my time, and will not drive the business forward.

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