Wednesday 19 August 2020

Building an Online Business Can Be Done Fast!

 10 BEST BOOKS on Transcendental Meditation: full reviews

Like any other business, building an online business can be either done fast or slow! Now that sounds a bit simplistic, but it is true! I was listening to an interview with Jack Welch recently and he was making this precise point. He said that once you have enough information to make a decision, then do it fast - act quickly. Notice that he said "enough" not all! If we wait to have all the information we will end up with paralysis by analysis. His mantra is - act quickly, don't ponder! While he was not talking about building an online business, the principle is exactly the same transcendental meditation mantras meaning.

One of the risks to achieving a successful online business is precisely this slowness to act - not out of laziness, but there are just so many things to do - web sites, domains, blogs, article marketing, social media and the list goes on and on. Trying to do all this on your own, and typically, it is on your own, really slows down the process of launching and getting out into the market.

So, what is the answer? Quite simply, find others who can do some of the work for you! OK, I hear you scream - I don't have the money to hire people to do all this. Well, I am not talking about hiring staff, opening an office and all of that. I am talking about outsourcing, and specifically outsourcing to the Philippines. There are thousands of people over there who speak English and would be delighted to work for you for about $300 per month - yes, you saw that right, it is per month! They are highly skilled and speak English and are waiting for the opportunity to get work from you.

So, what do you outsource? Everything you can!! A lot of people only think about outsourcing the parts they do not know how to do themselves. I disagree. The reason to outsource is to reclaim your life, and to allow you to focus on the things that will drive the business forward. My online business will only thrive if I spend my time on coming up with online business ideas - spending my time fixing plug-ins or building links is not the best use of my time, and will not drive the business forward.

Monday 17 August 2020

Yoga Mantras for Managing Anxiety

 So Hum: Contemplation Meditation with Shiva Rea | Guided ...

Anxious thoughts and feelings are very common in our fast-paced world. Many of us often struggle with a long to-do list full of many social and professional obligations. Sometimes, we also struggle with anxious thoughts that arise from memories of traumatic experiences. As these anxious thoughts and feelings become more and more deeply engraved in our minds and bodies, they begin to perpetuate themselves by being more strongly linked together. There are many Yogic techniques for quieting the mind, choosing life-affirming thoughts, and resting in stillness. The repetition of a sacred syllable or mantra is one of these techniques. Gently, and firmly, shifting your thinking patterns towards more uplifting and soothing thoughts will help to calm down your mind, body, and spirit. As your level of anxiety lessens, you will be able to deeply rest and rejuvenate your life force so hum meditation meaning.

Affirmation and Mantra

A positive affirmation will reduce anxiety. A mantra is a sacred syllable or word. It is also known in some spiritual traditions as a mantram. A mantra is different from a positive affirmation. The very syllables of a mantra vibrate with the essential energy of divinity. A good example of a very well known mantra is the word, "Om." According to quantum physicists, "Om" actually vibrates with the same frequency as the zero point field, which is the energetic underpinning of creation. If one has had the experience of receiving an enlivened mantra from an enlightened master, the mantra will be imbued with the divine grace or shakti of both the guru, from whom you receive it, and the blessings of his or her spiritual lineage.

If you do not have a mantra that has been given to you by a guru or spiritual teacher, you may wish to choose a mantra that resonates deeply with your own spirit and cultural upbringing. There are different mantras from many spiritual traditions. Some may be acceptable, while others may not be, depending on one's religious beliefs. If one experiences feelings of discomfort, due to his or her religious beliefs, a positive affirmation in one's native language is the best solution.

Mantra, Affirmation, and Religion

"So Hum" is a mantra that is often practiced within Yogic circles, which means, "I am that, that I am." Repeating So Hum allows you to rest in the divinity within your own being. The affirmation: "I am that, that I am" is also a viable solution to rid anxiety. Interestingly, the following words (from God to Moses) can be also be found in the Torah within Exodus 3:14: "Ehyeh asher ehyeh," which can be translated as: "I Will Be What I Will Be." In many modern day English-based Christian Bibles, these words can be seen as: "I am that I am" or "I am who I am."

Traditional Hindu Mantra

"Om Namah Shivaya" is another very well known mantra from the Hindu tradition. It means, "I bow to Shiva." This mantra honors the divine essence of Shiva within one's own being and also invokes Shiva's presence. You may wish to repeat the mantra you have chosen for a period of time before meditation or during a japa walk. It is advised to repeat the mantra once on your in breath and once on your out breath. In this way, your breathing will become deeper and more regular, further easing anxiety.


Never choose a method, which causes anxiety. Everyone has a preference for mantra or for positive affirmation. One of the popular purposes of these two techniques is to release anxiety. If that is your objective, choose a method that you can live with. Some people have strong objections to practicing traditional Sanskrit mantra. If that is the case, positive affirmations in your own language will effectively help you purge anxiety from the mind and body, without compromising your religious beliefs.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Learning the Vertical Positions of The Dance of Shiva

 Who am I?- Aham Brahmasmi | @ethnoCinderella

When it comes to the vertical hand positions (and the movements between them) I don't thing the original Dance of Shiva had such a thing. These movements may have been added to make the Dance of Shiva more complete physically and a little bit more interesting mentally.

My own analogy for the vertical positions is that of doing "Wrist Flowers" with a sword. When doing so, you keep one face of the flat of the sword facing outwards at all times. Swords aside, when doing the vertical positions the idea that holds all of these positions together is keeping the palm facing outwards aham brahmasmi shiva.

However, this isn't always possible in all of the positions, and so you do the best that you can.

So as with the horizontal positions, let me describe the "Basic Bare Bones" Vertical Positions.

The Vertical Position "Bare Bones" Descriptions

In position A the fingers point forwards and the arm is internally rotated

In position B the fingers point back and the arm is internally rotated.

In Position C the fingers point forwards and the arm is externally rotated.

In Position D the fingers point back and the arm is externally rotated.

As far as I can tell it is impossible to create a vertical spiral while keeping the elbows straight.

It is also pretty difficult to keep the elbow bent at all times.

So we might just as well get on with describing the positions as they are in The Dance of Shiva.

Position A

In position A the whole arm reaches forwards with the elbow straight.

The wrist and fingers are all straight so that the fingers point straight ahead.

In this position the elbow points outwards because the forearm is internally rotated. (Contrast with position C in which the elbow is inwards.)

Position B

In this position, bend your elbow so that your finger point towards your chest.

You can bend your wrist to get your fingers to point back or you can try moving your shoulder forwards so that your whole arm moves forwards relative to your ribcage. This may then give you the room to point your fingers at your chest while keeping your wrist straight.

Position C

This position is like position A except the elbow points inwards. Well actually, the elbow points down and in.

In this position it can be quite difficult to make the palm face outwards. Do the best that you can. You might try bending the elbow and pulling it back slightly.

Try moving your shoulder forwards. This may give you more room to rotate your arm externally.

Position D

This is the only position that is behind the back. As with position 4, try to feel your hand in this position and make it feel like it is facing outwards.

You can use a mirror to check.

Practicing the Dance of Shiva Vertical Positions

As with the horizontal positions you can practice these positions by moving in and out of them with your breath. You can practice inhaling your left arm into position A and then exhale relax. Repeat with position B, C and D. Then do your right arm.

To practice the Forwards movement at the same time, start at Position A. Say "A" and then move your hand down and back to Position B. Say "B." Then move your hand up and forwards to Position C. Say "C." Then move your hand down and back to Position D. Say "D." From there move your hand up and over to return to A. Say "A."

Why say the position names? It's a way of making your brain work a little harder. It's also a way of making the name of the position as well as the position itself "sink in." Later on you can practice saying the movements and the positions.